Getting Started

Establishing Product Design

This section informs a new customer how to start doing business with us. Because we have to describe on how jewelry designing process is. You need to communicate with us about what you want to produce.

However if you are a designer you will want us to produce your designs. But if you are a wholesaler/distributor you may want us to replace your domestic supplier to reduce your costs. Or you may want to add product categories that your current offering doesn’t cover.

designing jewelry
Example of drawing

To clarify whatever the case of jewelry designing process is. You will need to provide us some combination of:

To produce your designs we need :

  1. An exact sample of the styles you want us to reproduce or in other word an actual sample.
  2. Lacking exact samples we need approximate samples accompanied by specifications on how the jewelry design is to be altered from the samples .
  3. Lacking any sample at all we need a clear photo or a drawing with detailed specifications

To develop designs based on your product concepts we need

  1. A detailed explanation of your product jewelry design concepts
  2. Photos or drawings of approximate examples representing your concepts .
  3. After that we will do combination of below: 4 to 6
  4. Survey our extensive design data base for similar needed styles
  5. Survey the marketplace both in Bali or if not oversea
  6. Develop ideas with our designers

After that based on your designs and concepts we will submit to you samples for approval. As a result, if you approve it we will be ready to receive an order on those designs. Please check the next section Materials and Components to inform you about what materials and components are readily available to us.

However here are few useful links for your jewelry designing process needs :

Materials suppliers:
Rio Grande : USA based finding and other materials.
Fire Mountains : Gemstones.
Pandahall : Chinese glass beads and components.
Yamamori: Machine chain manufacturer in Surabaya.

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